Official Launch of the UNESCO “Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report 2000-2015: achievements and challenges”

24 June 2015

On June 19, 2015 the UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan presented EFA progress results from 2000 to 2015. The event was organized for education partners, specialists and experts from governmental and non-governmental organizations in Kazakhstan.

In the opening speech Mr. Sergey Lazarev, Director of UNESCO Almaty, stressed that the report was developed to the World Education Forum that had been held in Korea in May 2015. It is the twelfth edition of the EFA Global Monitoring report that comprises a comprehensive global picture in EFA goals achievement for the last 15 years.

Mrs. Zhanyl Zhontayeva, Director of the Pres-school and Secondary Education Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic Kazakhstan, Mr. Yuryi Oksamitniy, UNICEF Representative to Kazakhstan and Ms. Damelya Aitkhozhina, UN WOMEN Programme Specialist took part in the event and addressed the welcome speeches.

Launch of the UNESCO “Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report 2000-2015: achievements and challenges” ©UNESCO Almaty

Along with the Report, the Regional Overview for Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia was presented to the participants. The Overview pointed out that in the Central Asian countries the expenditure for the education sector was the lowest in the world.

Presenting the Report and the Overview, Ms. Aigul Khalafova, Education Officer of UNESCO Almaty, attracted the attention of the audience to the fact that in Central Asian countries the system of teacher training and re-training did not respond to the learner-centred pedagogy. Most of teachers continue to teach the way they were taught.

Participants expressed the positive achievements in Kazakhstan, the country is ranked the 8th in Education for All Development Index. The participants pointed out that the quality of education should be improved and recommended to increase investments into education sector and satisfy needs of children from various disadvantage groups, including children with special education needs.

Presenting the Report and the Overview, Ms. Aigul Khalafova, Education Officer of UNESCO Almaty ©UNESCO Almaty

education transforms lives

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