16 October 2015
The workshop was held in Almaty from 14 to 16 October 2015. Global citizenship education (GCED) is one of the strategic areas of work for UNESCO’s Education Programme (2014-2017).
The event was organized by UNESCO and Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding under the auspices of UNESCO (APCEIU) on the occasion of its 70th Anniversary of UNESCO and UN.The sub-regional workshop brought together 80 participants from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan including representatives of Ministry of Education, In-service Teacher Training Institutes, National Associated School Coordinators, school directors and teachers.
Mr. Segey Lazarev, Director of the UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty opened the sub-regional meeting. Education specialists from UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty, UNESCO offices in Moscow and Tashkent , UNESCO Headquarter in Paris, UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific, UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) and APCEIU take part in the work of the workshop.
International experts introduced to the GCED concept and goals, the ways of promotion through formal and non-formal educational settings as well as the first UNESCO pedagogical guidance “Global Citizenship Education: Topics and Learning Objectives “as well as the manual entitled “Prevention of Violence in Schools” were presented to the audience.
Within the workshop framework two parallel sessions were organized – promotion of civic education through interactive teaching methods and violence prevention in schools.
Country delegates had the opportunity to share existing experiences with all participants and discussed key priorities and steps forward at the national and Central Asian levels.
Several key questions were raised during the meeting and all participants highlighted the importance of GCED as a tool for peacebuilding and emerging perspective of the GCED in the region. Country delegations also visited selected Almaty secondary schools.
GCED Workshop programme
Permanent link: http://en.unesco.kz/sub-regional-workshop-on-global-citizenship-education-in-central-asia