23 February 2004
UNESCO – AHPADA - ASEF Training Workshop From Tradition to Innovation: Design Innovation within Traditional Aesthetic will be held in Thailand on 15-19 February 2004. Representative of CACSA (Central Asia Crafts Support Assosiation) is taking part at the Workshop.
This workshop is a training workshop organized within the framework of the UNESCO-AHPADA Seal of Excellence of Handicraft Products in Southeast Asia. The workshop will train representatives from each of the ASEAN countries corresponding to the SEAL, to then replicate such training workshops in their countries.The workshop, through the SEAL of Excellence and its high standard of excellence criteria will help to improve product design and quality standards.
The workshop consists of theoretical sessions (session 1 - 3; 6 - 7), introducing all aspects of the SEAL (1), followed by product and market situational analysis within the ASEAN countries (2), followed by an introduction into the market demands and trends in several countries including North America and Japan (3).
This set of theoretical sessions will be followed by interactive “hands on” working group sessions. Four working groups working with different products and base materials, will analyze and re-design sample products within the concept of how to adapt the design of these products to respond to the market trends and requirements in Europe, North America and Japan and how to create products with an unique, innovative design without destroying its traditional basis. (sessions 4 - 5).
The final set of theoretical sessions will focus on pertinent issues important to bring products from the maker to the marketplace including quality control, presentation and training, sale and distribution (6).
In the final session (7) action plans will be formulated as to how and when the follow-up national training workshops shall be conducted.
During the Training Workshop of 15 – 19 February experience of AHPADA (Handicraft and Development Association) on introduction of the SEAL in ASEAN countries was learned. Presentations and advice of prominent lectures and facilitator are synergized. Practical sessions gave an idea on SEAL objects’ requirements and procedures. Fruitful discussion with the delegates of India on common issues of introduction of SEAL in South and Central Asian countries were held after the official meetings.
During the one day (20th February) SEAL Strategy Meeting in UNESCO Bangkok common issues were discussed and strategies elaborated. For Central Asia implementation of the SEAL will rely on partnership of two UNESCO offices and CACSA.
Permanent link: http://en.unesco.kz/unesco-ahpada-asef-training-workshop-from-tradition-to-innovation