Federation of UNESCO Clubs expands its boundaries

1 July 2016

Following the meeting of the Board of the Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs (KazFUCA) with the participation of Acting Director of the Cluster Office in Almaty, Mr Chevelev Andrei it was decided to expand the scope of activities of UNESCO Clubs in the framework of the sustainable development.

KazFUCA launched its activities in 2009 and its management has pursued a strategic goal to form a nation-wide public association, the entity that would be able to develop club movement in the regions and help promote UNESCO's programmes and ideals in Kazakhstan at high international level.

Today in Kazakhstan there are already 37 UNESCO Clubs that implement large-scale projects for children and youth. At the end of the meeting 4 more clubs-candidates joined the movement and their leaders were awarded with KazFUCA member certificates.

"It so happened that traditionally KazFUCA members are only educational institutions with an artistic and cultural bias. However, today there is a great need to develop other social programs such as inclusive education, combating discrimination, popularization of the sport without doping, anti-radicalization of young people, and aspects of bioethics "- highlighted Mr. Chevelev.

Thus, the members of the Board unanimously adopted the decision on the extension of the candidate clubs in the sector of social and human sciences, as well as an exemption from membership fees of children from socially disadvantaged families.

In addition, the meeting approved the working plans of KazFUCA activities for 2016, as well as the provision concerning the establishment of regional offices of the Federation.

The working meeting was attended by representatives of the National Commission of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO and of the Foundation of the First President of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation. Also, took part in the meeting heads of educational institutions from different regions of Kazakhstan.

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Permanent link: http://en.unesco.kz/federation-of-unesco-clubs-expands-its-boundaries