24 April 2021
The themes of migration, mobility and diversity have always been part of the social agenda of museums, and can also be part of absolutely any modern museum. During the webinar organised in cooperation with ICOM Russia, Dinara Khalikova and Olga Sinitsyna proved the previously mentioned statement.
UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty continues a series of online capacity-building webinars for the museum workers from the states of Central Asia and Southern Caucases.
Theme: Migration and Diversity as Part of Relevant Social Agenda in Museum Practices.
Date: 22 April 2021.
Speakers: Ms Dinara Khalikova – Specialist in social and cultural projects, member of the Presidium of ICOM Russia; Ms Olga Sinitsyna – Specialist in museum and library development, member of the Expert Council of the Prokhorov Foundation, National Coordinator for Russia at ICOM CECA.
Useful Links:
Previous webinars:
Permanent link: http://en.unesco.kz/migration-and-diversity-as-part-of-relevant-social-agenda-in-museum-practices-br-webinar