Prospects for renewable energy in Central Asia

6 October 2005

At its 171st session the Executive Board adopted 171 EX/Decision 61, thus welcoming the initiative taken by Kazakhstan authorities and supported by Member States on organization of a UNESCO regional ministerial conference on the strategic role of renewable energies in sustainable development in Central Asia to be held in Kazakhstan, Almaty, 17-19 May, 2006.

The proposed conference constitutes the first international forum on renewable energy to be hosted in Central Asia and will, therefore, represent an opportunity to define the renewable energy potential in the region, identify national and regional priorities, elaborate an action plan and define pilot projects. 15 representatives of the International organizations and concerned organizations in Kazakhstan, representatives of UNESCO met at UNESCO Almaty Cluster Office to discuss the programme, the problems to be touched and contribution they could make for the success of the Conference and the development of the renewable energy use in Central Asia.

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