Right to Request, Receive Information to Highlight Bishkek Workshop

3 December 2008

Some 20 government officials, civil servants and media professionals meet in Bishkek 2-3 December to attend a practical workshop on freedom of information in the Kyrgyz Republic. The two-day pilot course conducted by the Center for Media Law, Bishkek in partnership with the UNESCO Almaty Cluster Office.

The Kyrgyz law on access to information, passed in 2006, is the first of its kind among Central Asian republics. It allows citizens to access many kinds of public information, allowing them to better participate in the devlelopment of their communities.

The course is geared toward professionals who work with information requests filed under the law; it will enrich their understanding of the law and allow exchange of experience on the right to information. Participants will analyze actual information requests and discuss how to best respond to them.

Permanent link: http://en.unesco.kz/right-to-request-receive-information-to-highlight-bishkek-workshop