Roadmap to the the Rapprochement of Cultures

22 August 2016

This 31 page publication is produced under the direction of: Nada Al-Nashif, Assistant Director-General of Social and Human Sciences Sector.

The International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures was born of the need for new articulations between cultural diversity and universal values. The United Nations General Assembly adopted in December 2012 resolution 67/104, proclaiming the period 2013-2022 as the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures (IDRC) and which reinforced Member States’ commitment to furthering interreligious and intercultural dialogue and the promotion of mutual understanding and cooperation for peace. UNESCO was designated as lead agency for the Decade in the United Nations system. An Action Plan for the Decade was adopted by UNESCO’s Executive Board (Decision 194 EX/10) and endorsed by the UN General Assembly in resolution 69/140 in 2014.

Publication code: SHS-2016/WS/02

Pages: 31

Publisher: UNESCO

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