UNESCO Almaty Office participated in the final of the universities competition : The Best Graduates – 2017

30 March 2017

The first time in Turan university was held city competition: The Best Graduates – 2017. Turan University was organizer of the event in cooperation with the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of Kazakhstan, the Youth Policy Department and the UNESCO Almaty Office.The competition was initiated with the aim of providing special conditions for the implementation of prospective studies, innovative and entrepreneurial projects and the identification and support of socially responsible of youth.

Participants of the Competiton ©UNESCO Almaty

On participation in competition, more than 80 applications were submitted. The top 10 projects were selected by experts.

The final of the competition was held on 15 March 2017 in the conference-hall of Turan University. The main prize from founders of the competition – 100 000 tenge. The finalists of the competition students from: Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages; Kazakh-American University; University of International Business; Narxoz University; Al-Farabi KazNU; KIMEP and Turan University.

Representatives of humanitarian, social and economic spheres of work were on the jury: UNESCO Almaty Office; Youth Policy Department of Almaty; BeSmart company; The FARM investment company; Schildershoven Finance Representative office in Almaty; «Қàçàқ әäåáèåò³» newspaper; Prima Distribution training center; «Carpe diem» law company; «Marina Âalik» restaurant; Department of Tourism and Service of the University of Turan.

It was difficult to choose a winner, because the participants showed a high level of ownership of the material. In diploma projects touched on the actual problems of the region and the country and original ways of their solution. These are the business plans of the cafe and hostel, the development of an innovative way of paying for services, the development of tourism in Kazakhstan, the study of interpersonal communication, international politics and terrorist threats. The projects were presented in Kazakh, Russian and English. The authors demonstrated profound knowledge of the subject of the research. Students of the International Business University (UIB) won the audience's sympathy prize - a weekend trip to the Tau Turan educational and health center.

The project "Trolling in the discourse of Kazakhstan new media" was highly appreciated by jury members. The author of the project is the 4th year student of the specialty "Journalism" Bespalova Valentina. In the process of discussing the project, media and information literacy of the population is proposed as a barrier to the hatespeech, stigmatization and polarization in cyberspace.

The main prize was given to Baibolova Botakoz, the 4th year student psychologist, who presented the project "Dependence of the marriage satisfaction from the locus of control and self-relationship of spouses". The winner presented a model of courses for young women and men who are striving to enter into relationships or already have relationship. Their goal is to reduce the percentage of divorces in Kazakhstan. The declared subject concerns one of the priority directions, solving the problems of population.

The most of the projects contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in particular: 3, 8, 11, 13 and 16. Organizers and jury members wished all participants successful protection of diploma theses in their universities.

Permanent link: http://en.unesco.kz/unesco-almaty-office-participated-in-the-final-of-the-universities-competition-the-best