7 May 2004
Exhibition “Petroglyphs of Semirechie and South Kazakhstan” took place in Almaty between 12th and the 30th May 2004 at the Gallery “Min Oi”. The exhibition consists of scientific explanatory texts, maps, excellent large size photos of landscape and engraved surfaces of high quality in order to reproduce the landscape context and the real aesthetical power of the petroglyphs representations in a way never documented up to now.
A prestigious exhibition of the best rock art representations (petroglyphs) of South Kazakhstan and Semirechie will be held in Almaty between 12th and the 30th May 2004 at the Gallery “Min Oi” (Uighur theatre, Nauryzbai Batyr 83, corner Karasai Batyr). The opening ceremony happen the 12th May at 18.00 pm. The event is organized by the Laboratory of Geo-archaeology Alan Medoev (Institute of Geological Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan).Authors: Renato Sala (Italy), Jean-Marc Deom (Belgium), both members of the Laboratory of Geo-archaeology. Sponsors: European Commission (Delegation in Kazakhstan); UNESCO Division of Cultural Heritage Programme in Central Asia. Partner institution providing part of the documentary material: NIPI PMK (State Institute for Scientific Research and Planning on Monuments of Material Culture, Ministry of Culture of the Rep of KZ)
The exhibition consists of scientific explanatory texts, maps, excellent large size photos of landscape and engraved surfaces of high quality in order to reproduce the landscape context and the real aesthetical power of the petroglyphs representations in a way never documented up to now. A booklet-catalogue of the exhibition will also be issued at the occasion of the exhibition.
The goal of the exhibition is to draw the attention of the public to the existence in Kazakhstan of a petroglyphs heritage which ranges among the largest, most beautiful and significant in the whole planet. Together it will be emphasized the need of urgent measures for its protection and conservation at educational, regional, national, international levels. This last point is especially important because of the increasing crowds visiting the monumental sites without any consciousness of their value and any respect for the place and the engraved stones: litter and graffiti multiply every year
For this purpose, in the context of the exhibition, a special program is organized devoted to school students of different ages in order to make the new Kazakh generations familiar with the world of the petroglyphs, promote the understanding of their historical and artistic value, induce respect and care for their conservation.
The program consists in a special exhibition day (13th May at 15:30) dedicated to teachers for the organization of guided excursions in 20 schools from Almaty town and province. Members of the Laboratory of Geo-Archaeology and of NIPI PMK together with chosen part of the exhibition materials will visit schools and student classes organizing a concourse of drawings (for the youngest) and of written compositions of the theme (for the oldest). The winners will be brought for a visit on the petroglyphs site of Tamgaly on the 25th of May. The exhibition will further move through Kazakhstan (Astana, Taraz, Shymkent) and abroad (Russia, Italy, UK).
For questions and documents about the event: e-mail to [email protected]
This message is sent by: International Scientific Projects Laboratory of Geo-Archaeology Tole Bi st., 21 # 31, 480100 Almaty
Contact persons: Renato Sala and Jean-Marc Deom, Òel. (3272) 914386, Fax (3272) 917931
Permanent link: http://en.unesco.kz/a-prestigious-exhibition-of-the-best-petroglyphs-of-south-kazakhstan-and-semirechie