3 December 2021
03 December 2021, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Programme Office in Dushanbe organized the 2021 Media Donor Coordination Meeting with the participation of UNESCO Almaty.
the meeting is focused on re-ignite the spirit of co-operation on the development and freedom of media in Tajikistan, as well as to keep each other informed and avoid duplication of efforts, in supporting local Partners.This meeting is organized in partnership with Open Society Assistance Foundation -Tajikistan, National Association of Independent Mass-Media in Tajikistan (NANSMIT),NGO Khoma and Public Fund Civil Internet Policy Initiative (CIPI).
UNESCO Almaty presented:
- Implemented and planned activities in 2018-2022 (EN, RU)
- Produced resources lead by international standards in the field of communication and information, including :
Media will be involved in all CI programme Outcomes including:
- #5: Enhance the protection and promotion of the diversity of heritage and cultural expressions
- 15 March 2022 - consultations IDIL 2022-2032
- #6: Promote freedom of expression and the right to information
- 25 January 2022 - Webinar on validation of the MediaSDG journalism education and training platform
- Celebration of WRD, WPFD, IDUAI
- 2 November 2022 - IDEI 2022
- #8: Foster knowledge sharing and skills development in the digital age
- 3 December 2022 - Universal access to knowledge through Open Solutions
- 28 October 2022 - MIL week: Digital skills workshop
- #9: Develop ethical standards, norms and frameworks for action to meet the challenges of innovative technologies and digital transformation
- Conduct more advocacy events of ROAM-X at national and sub-regional and regional levels (on the occasion of national IGF, regional IGF, WPFD, IDUAI, etc)
- Initiate stakeholders dialogue and more new national ROAM-X indicators assessments,
- Strengthen capacity building by organizing more orientation meetings and trainings for Field Office colleagues in your region to inspire colleagues, and support the implementation of the assessment of the IUIs at national level in other FOs,
- Encourage more stakeholders as well as Field office colleagues to join the Dynamic Coalition on IUIs to advance evidence-based policy making of Internet governance and foster digital collaboration. You can join here: https://en.unesco.org/feedback/join-our-internet-universality-community
- Provide more resources in different languages to facilitate and foster research and discussions on Internet Universality for stakeholders worldwide. I.e The publication Steering AI and advanced ICTs for knowledge societies: a ROAM perspective existing in 4 languages, with more translations in the pipeline
- Facilitate follow-up of IUI policy recommendations in countries, e.g. with a multistakeholder IUI recommendation implementation workshop (facilitated by the government,...).
Permanent link: http://en.unesco.kz/media-donor-coordination-meeting