12 June 2007
On 12-13 June 2007, nineteen Central Asian journalists and media lawyers will get together in Almaty for the second interactive training seminar on the legal rights of the media. The first seminar was held in April this year.
The seminar is convened by the "Adil Soz" press freedom fund and it is part of UNESCO's International Programme for the Devepment of Communication (IPDC). The training is co-sponsored by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).Mr Boris Panteleev, Legal Officer at the Centre for Journalism in Extreme Situations in Moscow, Ms. Ganna Krasilnikova, an Adil Soz lawyer (Almaty), and Professor Rakhilya Karymsakova of the Independent Defamation Center (Almaty) will be the trainers.
Permanent link: http://en.unesco.kz/needs-based-training-on-legal-protection-for-central-asian-media