14 May 2019

Here is a list of policy guidelines on the world heritage and sustainable tourism.

  • Tourism development and visitor activities contribute to and do not damage the protection, conservation, presentation and transmission of Outstanding Universal Value (OUV)
  • Tourism that generates sustainable socio-economic benefits to communities in ways that are consistent with the conservation of the properties
  • Site management should understand the relevant tourism supply chain and broader tourism destination issues, including congestion management and the quality of life for local people
  • Planning for tourism development and visitor activity should be undertaken in an inclusive and participatory manner
  • Tourism infrastructure and visitor facilities should be carefully planned, sited, designed, constructed with no adverse impacts to OUV
  • Tourism management systems should have sufficient skills, capacities and resources to ensure the protection and presentation of OUV and respect for local communities
  • Relevant public agencies and Site Management should apply a sufficient proportion of the revenue derived from tourism and visitor activity to ensure the protection, conservation and management of their heritage values
  • Tourism infrastructure development and visitor activity should contribute to local community empowerment and socio-economic development

_Silk+Roads+Heritage+Corridors_; tips for site managers

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