Workshop on the ICT Competency Framework for Teachers / Open Educational Resources

17 December 2021

17 December 2022, UNESCO is organizing the workshop aimed to introduce The ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT CFT) to persons responsible for teacher training, namely Ministry of Education officials, Teacher Training Instructors officials, pre-and in-service teacher trainers, as well as instructional designers and curriculum developers.

The ICT CFT version 3 provides a framework from which ICT competencies can be identified and use to inform ICT in education policy directives, curriculum design, and pre-and in-service training to capacitate educators to embrace and use technology appropriately. The ICT CFT covers ICT skills required for teaching and learning, identifies competencies associated with school administration and continuing professional development, as well as aligns classroom practice with national priorities as stated in the policy. The ICT CFT also envisages three levels of teacher growth with ever-increasing sophistication.

Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching, and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or are under the copyright that has been released under an open license, that permits no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, adaptation, and redistribution by others. At the 40th Session of the UNESCO General Conference, UNESCO Member States adopted by consensus the UNESCO OER Recommendation which calls for the greater integration of OER in educational systems.

National Workshop on incorporating ICT competency standards for teachers into the Teacher training programme in Kyrgyzstan ©UNESCO

This workshop will demonstrate to those involved with teacher education how to access the framework and use it to shape training initiatives. The training will also identify free and quality units of study aligned to the ICT CFT competencies. These free to use, and modify, open educational resources (OER) resident in the UNESCO ICT CFT/OER Hub on OER Commons, can be adapted to suit new contexts and learners. The training will also introduce you to members of the UNESCO ICT CFT practitioners/expert group.

During the conference, participants will complete (2) online, facilitated tutorials, of 30 minutes each, detailing specific processes. These include:
  • Tutorial 1: Use the ICT CFT to identify priority competencies to shape teacher training initiatives (RU).
  • Tutorial 2: Use the ICT CFT Hub on OER Commons to identify units of study that can be adapted to support local teacher training Agenda (RU)
Resources and links:
  • Concept and Agenda (EN)
  • ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (EN)
  • UNESCO OER Recommendation (EN)
  • UNESCO OER Dynamic Coalition Membership Form (EN)
  • UNESCO Almaty: ICT competency standards for teachers in Kyrgyzstan (EN)

Video record of the webinar in Russian

knowledge societies; open solutions; ICT in Education

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