Photo exhibition: We are with you!

1 December 2010

An International photo exhibition “We are with you! We are together!” has been opened in the Kazakhstan Central State Museum on 24 November to mark World AIDS Day 2010.

The lack of quality photo coverage on HIV issues directly contributes to the rapid spread of the epidemic in Central Asia, particularly among youth. Stigmatization and discrimination remain the primary obstacle for prevention of new HIV-cases. Photographs are the best visual tool for understanding this acute social theme. The photo exhibition was launched with the goal of decreasing stigmatization and discrimination of people living with HIV.

The photo exhibition was organized by the UNESCO Almaty Cluster Office, the International organization “AIDS Foundation East West”, the Kazakhstan Republican AIDS Center, World Media Group and other partners.

The photo exhibition presents HIV and AIDS issues from many angles. A professional photographer from Ukraine showcased his works, revealing the diversity of people's faces who live with HIV in Central Asian countries. Photos taken by young photographers from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan were also on display, showing the social aspects of HIV and AIDS. These photographers previously had taken part in a UNESCO-sponsored training that emphasized photography as a means of support for and collaboration with people living with HIV.

Representatives of non-governmental organizations including people living with HIV were present at the opening about their input to prevention of HIV infection. Visitors had an opportunity to talk to people represented on the photographs, ask them questions and learn more about life with HIV.

Visitors to the exhibit enjoyed the works of the artists.
“I liked the photographs very much," a university student Natalia said. "They are all different but at the same time interesting and professional. I came to the exhibition in order to learn how photographs can depict HIV and AIDS. I did not know that people with HIV can have children. Now I know they are like everyone else. They are working to stop the epidemic”.

Another student appreciated the fact that not only the photographs were presented but also some useful information. “The photo exhibition gave me an opportunity to learn more about people with HIV. I appreciated that not only photographs were displayed, but information as well.”

Photo exhibition “We are with you! We are together!” on YouTube

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